Sleep Support…with a doula heart

As I began my career as a doula in 2013, I quickly learned that families all had one thing in common…they were sleep deprived and wanted to know the quickest path to not being sleep deprived. As I spent time with more and more babies and began researching infant sleep, I quickly learned what worked and what didn’t. I began sharing that information with families, and that led to offering sleep consulting services. In 2022, I made it official and became a certified sleep specialist. However, I am first and foremost a doula. Which means that I approach sleep support as a doula. I won’t sleep train your baby for you, or give you a pre-written plan that works for all babies. But I will support you emotionally as we talk through what your goals are. I will help you find strategies to get more rest, even when your baby is still waking frequently. We will talk about normal infant sleep, research based evidence, what sleep training is and isn’t, and uncover what the best path for your family is.  My goal is to support your family as you confidently decide what feels right for you…not your neighbor down the street or your sister in law or your pediatrician.

Sleep support begins with an initial zoom or phone call. From there, we check in when you need to. Oftentimes this is in real time over text. Sometimes it’s a quick phone call. I charge a flat fee and you won’t ever pay extra for additional phone calls or text support.

If this sounds like a good fit for you, please reach out to book a sleep consultation – or 303-868-9671